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Local Tax Bureau, Hsinchu City

Directions for Public Petitions Control

Directions for Public Petitions Control by Revenue Service Office, Hsinchu City

December 18, 2003 Amended according to the Letter of 92-Sin-Shih-Shuei-Ji-Zih No. 0920227016

  • The Directions are especially provided to effectively promote public petition control, enhance citizen service quality, and protect taxpayers' legal rights.
  • Processing of public petitions should comply with the "Regulations for the Handling of Public Petitions by Subordinate Agencies of the Executive Yuan"; matters not provided for therein shall be handled in accordance with the Directions.
  • Public petitions should be submitted to the Office in the forms of written letter, spoken words, or Internet transmission. In the case of Internet transmission, please observe the Rules Governing Internet Information Processing of the Office. In the case of spoken words, a written record of the statement should be made, and the signature of the petitioner on such statement is required as confirmation before the petition may be further processed.
  • Upon receiving public petitions (including matters ordered by superior authority and the petitioner's statement produced by the Office), the Mail Room should affix a "Public Petitions" stamp on the upper right corner and submit to the Secretary, who shall affix "Delegated and Registered", date of directive, and estimated date of termination, and submit to the Auditing Section, which unit should assign registration number to each case for future control and submit the original petition letter back to the Mail Room, which unit should deliver the petition letter to the competent authority via registered mail for processing.
  • The same matter being repeatedly petitioned should be regarded as a single matter when processing. In the case that the petitioner has been answered but a directive regarding the same matter has been given by the superior authority, the processing status should be provided to the superior authority with carbon copy to the petitioner.
  • The same matter being repeatedly petitioned should be regarded as a single matter when processing. In the case that the petitioner has been answered but a directive regarding the same matter has been given by the superior authority, the processing status should be provided to the superior authority with carbon copy to the petitioner.
  • Unless the processing deadline is otherwise provided by law, processing registered petitions must not exceed 14 days. If a petition is too complex to be resolved before the deadline, then an approval for extension should be requested from superior authority according to the level of responsibility. The petitioner should be notified with the reason for such extended deadline by mail, and the Auditing Section should continue to track such petition, verify that such petition is being processed thoroughly, and make sure such petition is completed by the deadline. The direct superior should take the initiative in auditing and noticing; if overdue or delay occurs due to ignorance, then such direct superior shall be charged with joint liability.
  • In the case that a petition is being delayed at superior authority, the competent agency is responsible for auditing and noticing to prevent such petition being suspended without progress.
  • In the case that a petition is beyond the scope of service of the Office and must be transfered to another agency for processing, in addition to notifying the petitioner and the Auditing Section that the petition is regarded as terminated at the Office, a "Delegated and Registered" stamp should be affixed on the upper right corner of all related letters and documents to remind the recipient agencies to keep track of such petition as a good horizontal communication and prevent the petitioner to press for progress again.
  • When replying to the petitioner about the progress of the delegated and registered petition, the petition letter should be filed into the archive as well. If the delegating agency and the Auditing Section are not notified with carbon copy after the reply has been sent out, then the responsible unit should take the initiative and submit the photocopy of such case in order to terminate this case.
  • In the case that the same matter has been petitioned repeatedly and has been replied by mail more than 3 times, such case may be regarded as a special case and terminated with approval from the Director-general. However, it is possible that the petitioner lacks legal knowledge and thereby repeatedly files the petition. In such case, the principle of patience in tax administration should be upheld and counseling by telephone or in person should be arranged to facilitate mutual understanding and help the petitioner to better understand the details. The counseling agency should observe the Regulations for Tax Administration Case Counseling.
  • The Auditing Section should record public petitions in the Public Petitions Control Journal based on the photocopy of the petitions, one by one, with details of processing for future review and tracking.
  • The Auditing Section should conduct a random review on the results of the petitions to realize processing quality. If any negligence or improper handling is found, then the Section should take the initiative and coordinate the concerned agencies to continue the processing. Consult with Director-general by official letter for review, if necessary.
  • In the case that a delegated and registered petition has exceeded its deadline, the Auditing Section should review the files one by one and conduct analysis, and file a report of unjustifiable postponement, if any, for disciplinary action according to the procedures provided by laws.
  • The Regulations shall become effective upon approval.
  • VisitorVisitor:13637
  • UpdateUpdate:2023-11-22